There’s three things that I judge a goodbrisket by what are they number onetenderness number two Smoky flavornumber three is it beagle approvedwhether you’re a beginner or a seasonedPro you’re going to learn something inthis brisket video on how to do brisketright[Music]I am gloved up and ready to go we arefixing to do surgery what are we goingto do it on a brisket if you think thesegloves is pretty thick it is 39 degreesso I have me a layer underneath folks ifI had a nickel for every one of theseI’d seen in the last 30 something yearsof cookingI wouldn’t have cooked no more and whenI started buying brisket to put on thesmoker I can remember buying some for 13cents a pound now I’m going to show youas we go through this deal what’s allgoing to happen but this is a 16 poundPacker brisket a whole thing not just aflat not just the cap it is the wholebrisket now we’re going to trim a bunchof this fat off there but I don’t wantyou to get that fat cap on the back downto Plum nothing we got to leave some ofthat on there now a lot of you haveprobably cooked a lot of brisket butstay with me whether you’re this is yourfirst one or this is your9428th one to put on a smoker we’regoing to have some tips for all of youand some tricks that’s going to makethis brisket better tasting more tenderand it’ll be the what the hit of thebrisket parade yes it will it will begood pups love some brisket they do[Music]why do I think you need to buy the wholebrisket well first of all you’re goingto get that combination of a good fat toa more leaner cut of meat but when youbuy a flat you’re paying more for it andif you buy a brisket that’s untrimmedyou’re saving money because you can trima brisket at home so let’s just takesome of this offnot all of it like I said just some ofityou can see we got a little of that meatbut that’s fine don’t think any of thisis going to waste because it’s notmostly to I like to try to take offanything that’s really a shiny wet fatit won’t render as quickly down and gothrough that brisket sothis is a 15 pound brisket that I’mgoing to get a really good 10 to 12servings out of here but this thing’sgoing to draw up it’s going to shrink Ialways figured when I was catering it’sa third of a pound of meat per and whenit’s finished per person if you’rechopping this to make taco meat you knowbrisket makes some great tacos if you’rejust slicing this to just have brisketon a plate or if you’re even likegetting this all chopped up putting itback in a skillet frying it up a littlelike carnita there’s so many differentuses for it but hey just make sure youcook it rightwell first I’m gonna turn it over Shinif that’s all rightand I want to show folks I’ll turn itthis way you can seereally let me pull it out here where youget I there’s a little bit of like youcan just see gristly meat right here andyou can see a line that comes back intowhere there’s actually just straightbrisket meat so I always like to takethat and trim it off as wellbut also now we’re going to turn it thisway and let you look see how muchthinner that really gets right therethan the rest of this I like to squarethis end up just a tad take this offjust a little bit to sort of even thatup but I want to show you under here howdeep that fat goes I like to come backin here cut this at an angle and you cansort of peel it out of there that wayand then just trim the top right off ofit and you can see that we got most ofthat cleaned up so let’s move aroundhereto the Cappy into this and I want you tosee this excess of fat that’s runninghere all that is not going to cook andrender down let’s take that knife goback in there you can see we still gotfatjust pull that a little you can see howthat fat cap up here in this big rolljust sort of had that all humped up wellnow it’ll let that brisket actually laya little flatter but I want you to lookright here as wellremember we turned that trimmed thatmeat off right therewe got to do the same to this piece hereso we’re just going to go back in heretrim this up to where we’re reallygetting down to Fresh good meat rightthereso folks I would call this trimmedenough for me and ready to go so let’stalk about seasoning[Music]in this well it’s a big piece of meat soit’s going to take a lot of seasoningbut I do like to combineour original seasoning with our Mesquiteseasoningfolks you can use seasoned salt blackpepper garlic powder or you can just usecoarse ground black pepper kosher saltand garlic powder I really like thatthis has a little bit of citrus in itthat really needs because it sort ofhelps more of that break down rightthere to make it a little more tenderand folks we are in luck today the goodLord has blessed us watch the way thisseasoning Falls there is no wind thatnever happens it don’t never happen inOklahoma when you’re trying to film makesure everybody is covered wellgive it a good Pat and you you see a lotof folks that they’ll say oh I need abinding agent that I’m going to put withthis to get this to hold the seasoningon the meat if this was a really reallytough brisket I would probably go backand use lime juice and rub it in let itset a little while let it soak down inthat meat and then go back to it butsome folks going to put like olive oilon there avocado oil you don’t need thatwe’re going to let this meat set up Letit draw some of that moisture to it letit suck down there in that meat becausewhen you put a binding agent on there orsomething like mustard it’s hard forthat to penetrate I love to alwaysseasonthe flat side first and then when weturn this over this is the way it willactually go on the grillfat side up why when that’s cooking thatway them meat juices and that fat juicecan penetrate and go down it’s calledosmosis of the fat Moses I think is whatit’s called flatmosis that way you canget All That season in there you maythink oh my gosh that is a lot ofseasoning remember folks so many timespeople make mistakes of under seasoninga piece of meat especially if it’s agreat big piece of meat so make sure youget it seasoned welland you’re thinking now we’re going tothrow it on the fire right no we’regonna let it set on the counter come toroom temperature for about 45 minutes toan hour[Music]well it’s time to get the smoke rollingit is and today what am I using myfavorite smoker of all our roughnecksmoker we teamed up with the good Folksat Hasty bake to make a product that isentirely made in the USA everything itis today we’re going to start with abase of Fogo hardwood lump charcoal andI like to use the stuff that’s in thebig sack because it’s bigger chunks itis but to that after them get white hotand I can’t emphasize that enough folksyou need to wait till this smoking wooddown here is white hot I mean glow ingood then when we get that brisket outhere and put him on the fire then we canadd what smoke we want to go with itokay today I’m going to be teaming upwith one of my favorite trees that Igrew up with it all happened during thecattle drive days the cows in SouthTexas would eat the Mesquite beans offthe trees as they traveled North theywould have deposits I think that’s whatyou call them and the Mesquite beanswould set in the fermentation of the cowmanure and they would sprout then oncecommenced whatthe Mesquite tree now folks we have alot of them and I love to use themgrilled a lot of steaks with them now ifyou’re just using Straight Mesquite itcan get a little harsh at times but tothe Mesquite I am adding my favoritebrisket wood to it because it reallygives that bark a good red deep colorthat gets into and that is just cherrywood and I really like to use the biggerchunks of stuffand I’ll split this Mesquite down alittle to where it’ll burn up prettyquick to start out with but this isgoing to last longer I do not soak itunless I’m using something like themflakes of wood something likewell it is time to get the beef on thesmoker it is and you can see asham wasshowing you there a while ago aftergetting to set that 45 minutes that sortof draws that moisture to the top andthat seasoning and everything isglistening in the Morning Light rememberI told you we’re going fat side up andI’m gonna set him right here at deadcenter there’s a little bit of Sizzlegoing on there which is all rightremember we’re fat side up so let’s goahead and shut this oneget your latch down tight and you cansee the tension spring that this has goton it so then we’re adding Mesquite andCherry to it and if you’re to put thesein there to start when we already hadthis fire going these have been burnedup when doing is no good so I like tonever add the smoked and I’m going toput the meat right on itand folks we’ll just have to mess withit for just a minute and I don’t meanmess with it in a bad way just so I canknow exactly how far to have these ventsopen and that bit back there closed justa little to where I can get thatcirculation we’re going to keep an eyeon it get our temperature regulated justright you can see the smoke is alreadystarting to come out the back we’reclimbing we’re at about 250 so we’regoing to get pretty close I’m going toshut these just a tad I like to keep itabout the 250 range if I can but alittle over that sure ain’t going tohurt it if you’re using just a longGrill like I’ve cooked a lot of brisketon the Legacy grill that is made byHasty bake and remember that’s offset orwhat we call indirect cooking I’ll haveme a big pile of coals on one end and Ican then put the my smoke there but theother end where the brisket is settingis clean and empty but they do have avent on them too to where you canregulate that heat a little more now ifyour lids and stuff don’t latchcompletely tight down you have to keep aclose eye on that airflow to regulatethe temperature that’s the only way youcan do it for the next four hours we’rejust going to keep an eye on it we wantto let that internal temp get rightthere to about 160 and then we’re goingto show you some more Magic[Music][Music][Applause]yes I amI have much presence to wrap and unlikeplastic wrapand a 40 mile an hour Breeze thingsain’t blown away just yethang on but see that you talk about thebreeze and here it comes[Music]well we’ve been on about two hours and40 minutes things are a little ahead ofschedule here mostly because that thingseals up so tight and that airflow is sogood on it I want you to check rightthere about the middle of the flat wasabout 159sand we’re going to go fat side down hereso you can see the good color that we’vealready got in there and that’s whatwe’re after but before we go any furtherin this process we’re going to take ourrib rub and give it just a littleshaking of goodness on here this has alittle sweetness to it and we’re justgoing to let that set here for just aminute let some of that seasoning sortof adhere to that meat and then we’regoing to get it wrapped up when you wrapand we’ve got two sheets of that pinkpaper out herego ahead and just pull that one overbecause we’re wanting a doubleon the top of the flat side give it atuck underI like to turn it this wayand I can already tell you folks thispiece of paper is way too smallsoget it wrapped uppulled off at 160 degrees and thenyou’ve seen us wrap it to retain thatmoisture it’s also going to block alittle that Heat going to slow thecooking down so we’re going to stick herback in the smoker still running atabout 275.and we’re going to let it go forprobably close to three to four hoursprobably leaning more towards the threeuntil that internal temp is between 200and 210.[Music]we’re looking for something between 200and 210 internal temp and we are thereso let’s see what’s happening in hereand folks let me see I’m going to tellyou it’s been six hoursnow most places you look you’re going tocook a brick skit for at least eight youcan see how that thing has sweated thatpaper and everything is looking good youcould let it just sit there and come tosort of room temperatureon a big old sheet pan and try to keeppeople beat off of it until they gotready to eat but folks I sort of like tolet mine sitif we can get it off herin a good ice chest over herenow I will tell you I’m not going tosuck that thing down tight because inthem yetis that will continue to cookeven more but you could hold thatbrisket right there in that if you shutit down tight for hours upon ours Iwanted to go ahead and sort of coolgradually as it will that’s why wedidn’t shut this down in fact big we’llgive it just a little vent right herebut it’s going to let that condensationthat sweat come back off that paper towhere everything is going to be moist inthere and when we slice that it’ll be ohso good it will[Music]thank you[Music][Applause]foreign[Applause]up right here and I’m going to pull itjust a little and it just sort of comesapart and then I’m going what I’m goingto take a bitemakes you do the what you get so smoothI know you’ll be like Frank Sinatra andthen you’ll just break down and then youthink oh my gosh that stuff right theremake you run jump higher run faster andjump over to moveto get one this tender most of the timeI would have to cook 12 to 14 hourssix hours on the money is all it was andin 30 minutes in that Yeti ice chest andpull it out we are speeding up your cooktime we’re saving you that moisturewe’re giving you that good smoke to getthat bark all the way back in there thisis what a smoker is supposed to do butone other thing I’m going to tell you isif you’re going to wrap meat that ifyou’ve already cut it do not wrap it inaluminum full because on the top or anyplace that it’s touching that meat itwill discolor it so always make surethat like if you’re going to wrapsomething with pole put some wax paperdown or something under there first butas soon as we have attendance todayI got them some fat meat oh my gosh bigyou like to get out my finger DuggarCletusman you can put this on anything youwant barbecue sandwiches serve it justlike that don’t forget how easy it is todo and as always everything that we usetoday will be listed down there in thelittle links below and don’t forgetabout that new cookbook that’s comingout you can pre-order and won’t be longyou’ll be checking them dates becausehey they’re going to be a book tour toobut it is with honor pride and greatprivilege that I tip my hat to all ourservice men and women and all ourveterans who have kept that old flagflying back there it is such a greatthing it is to the rest of you I’m justgoing to tell you y’all mean the worldtoo as you do because without y’all wewouldn’t have no YouTube channel y’allare great followers you are greatsubscribers be sure and share the videosgive us a like and God bless you eachand every one and I’ll see you down thebest tender smoked brisket Trail everyou hope you can see that as a boogerwell let’s talk about seasoning andfolks I cannot give you an exwhat I would callan excise is excise a word that is not aword hey exactly all right go precisethat’s what I was after ShaneI might want to perform some kind ofsurgical procedure[Music]are you using Hardwoodhard words or hardwood hardwood ishardwood okayI think I should bring this to y’all’sattention because it is sort of wayheavy on my mind that this would happentwo filming days in a row now Shannon isstill in them house shoes go ahead andshow them Chad steal in the house shoesbut folks we’re really lucky because atleast she got out of the house coat todo this one so